A great benefit of making a website optimized for search engine is that the traffic comes from Search Engine is free. You don’t have to pay for the Organic traffic. If you’re running a website or a Blog , I’m sure you’re looking for ways to improving your ranking appears on the Search Engine Results. But Search Engine Optimization is not a one night dream that will come true in the morning. You need to have patience, a bit of planning and your creativity.

Top 5 Tips For On-Page SEO :

On-page SEO means all these techniques will be applied to your own site only. If you are using any Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla for your blog/website , then 50% of your Onpage SEO is already done . Thanks to the enthusiastic developers. But if you are using Custom Built Website then you should follow this post.

1. Blog Title:

Make sure your focused keyword is present in the page title. Make it attractive because when a user search anything on Google and your website shows up due to nicely done Off-Page SEO in the search result , Blog title is the first introduction to your blog or website. Make it more specific to your content .

2. Content is the Key :

This is the most imprtant thing you should do for Better SEO practice and you will see its very effective. If your content is poor no matter how much Off-Page optimized your blog is , it will not make your website Search Engine Friendly. Every search engine has its own algorithom to detect low quality content according to your visitors behaviour i.e. Bounce Rate , Page views etc. Write Unique posts and write it regularly so that Google Bot can crawl your site frequently . Writting regularly is the most effective SEO practice .

Permalinks is the URL of your blog post. Google and Bing pay attention to the permalinks before it determines which one will go to the top of the search result. Make it small . Be sure that your focused keyword is present on the Permalinks. Its better to have only Post title on the Permalinks . Some webmasters use posted Date or Author name in the permalinks but they are no use now-a-days. Choose a better permalinks.

4. Keyword density :

This is also important that your post contains the information what user asked to Search Engine. So How Google, Bing or Yahoo! knows that the information is present in your blog? By determining the density of the keyword presented in your webpage. But don’t be aggressive. Don’t overrate your webpage. Make keyword density less than 10%.

5. Sitemap :

Search engine Bot is a guest in your blog. So make him at home by directing the path it should crawl. Having a sitemap.xml file in the root folder is a must. Make a well organized sitemap for the bot. A sitemap is just like a tree that has all the posts and pages, address and descriptions. You can also make another sitemap for Human vistors too so that they can find their content very easily. Having two sitemap is a plus point. So that’s the top 5 on-page SEO tricks you should do for Optimizing your Website for ranking your site on the search result

Top 5 Tips For Off-Page SEO :

Off-page SEO means all these techniques will be applied to other than your own site. After following On-page SEO tricks you must make your website optimized off-page so that search engines rank you better.

1. Guest blogging :

Its a great way to build relationships with people within your niche by writting guest post. Apart from that, here are other reasons you should go for Guest posting:

Reach a larger audience: You may have some followers who regularly keep an eye to your blog and eagerly wait for your next blog post but writting guest post for others will help you catch more audience and who knows they may become your royal followers next time. Drive traffic to your website: The number of visitors to your site will increase becuse your guest blogging will attract a new set of people and will drive huge traffic to your blog if you write for another popular blog in your niche. Build links to your site: Having a large number of backlinks is crucial for achieving high rankings on search engines. This is why it is vital to write guest posts that provide useful information and give your Website link in the Author Bio.

2. Blog commenting:

Most of the webmasters don’t use this feature and they found spamming from one blog to another. REMEMBER spamming will not bring you traffic neither Google will love your site if you engege in spamming by some automated softwares. Do it manually . Take time and surf for your niche blogs . Read the full article carefully and if you think it misses some information and if you think your own article on the same topic can help readers then don’t hesitate to post your link in there. This will also help you rank your site on search engine results.

3. Forum posting :

There are lots of things you can do for forum posting:

Provide solutions: Many people turn to forum for getting solutions to their problems. If you know the solution for their trouble don’t think twice before giving solution to them. This kindness of yours will not only be appreciated by this particular person but also for those who are having the same problem . Also give your website link in the Signature so that they can visit your blog and learn more things from you. Discuss in existing thread or make a new one: There are hundreds of topic presented on any forum. Find any discussion in which you can contribute to and share your knowledge. Don’t forget to have your website link in the signatures. If you don’t find any related thread then be smart and make a new one.

4.Social bookmarking:

After some updates like Panda/Penguin etc. Google added more values to the sites which has a enormious presence in the social networking sites. Frequently put your updated links to StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious , Reddit etc. sites and you will get Do-follow backlinks from them and will help you to rank better on the search results. Your followers on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter also pays a huge role in the search engine ranking.

5.Directory submissions:

Being listed in top directories (DMOZ and Yahoo Directories) will help you get high-quality backlinks to your site and thus helps ranking your site better. Now its your turn to let us know which SEO practice you like most . Share your thoughts with us.

10 Great SEO tricks that Help Your Site Rank on Google - 2310 Great SEO tricks that Help Your Site Rank on Google - 110 Great SEO tricks that Help Your Site Rank on Google - 6210 Great SEO tricks that Help Your Site Rank on Google - 73