Chromebooks are laptops or tablets running Chrome operating system. Some of you recognize Chrome as a mere web browser. But now, it expands the scope and provides Chrome operating system with special laptops called Chromebooks. Though it may sound versatile and sophisticated, Chromebooks are not flawless. Chromebook running slow often happens among its users. There are a number of reasons to slugging Chromebook. Be it slow to load page or slow performance, you need to fix the issue. A variety of methods are available to refresh your Chromebook and bring back its impressive performance. The following solutions will give you peace of mind.

Fix Chromebook Running Slow

In general, Chromebook has slight differences with other laptops as it uses Chrome OS that makes it easier to browse. Besides, it keeps the data on cloud storage instead of inside the machine. For this convenience, it makes no surprise that Chromebook gets more popular. Unfortunately, the laptop can suddenly slow down, leaving you with a riddle of how to fix the issue. The slugging Chromebooks are actually not uncommon. Many users experience a similar issue so that you need to figure out how the other users out there solve the problem. Here we have shortlisted a number of methods and solutions to get rid of slugging Chromebooks. Check this out!

1. Check Chromebook resources

As with any other laptops, Chromebook has Task Manager. It has a list of running applications and systems. Checking the resources allows you to find out what makes the computer slow down. The steps below will help you check Chromebook resources and identify the problem.

Open Task Manager by pressing Shift + Esc. After opening the window, you will see a list of applications and systems along with its memory, processor, and network consumption. Analyze which one takes more resources. When you find the suspected activity, right-click and select End task. Make sure it is not the system that you choose.

Terminating applications from Task Manager has been preferred by many of its users. Not only is it practical, but it can fix the issue effortlessly. After checking Chromebook resources, find out if the problem is still there.

2. Cut down the extensions

In most cases of Chromebooks slowing down, too many extensions become the culprit. Extensions can add more weight to the memory, causing the browser and computer to slug. For this reason, it is essential to cut down the extensions as much as you can. But if you want them to stay, be sure to manage them with the extension manager. These steps will help you disable the extensions.

Open Chrome browser, then navigate to Menu. Select More Tools, choose Extensions. Disable or delete the extensions as you like.

This method is quite effective to reduce the memory burden. Cutting down the extensions should make your Chromebooks faster.

3. Avoid opening too many tabs

Getting rid of Chromebooks slowing down is as simple as reducing the number of tabs when browsing. Opening too many tabs consume more memory of your computer, so it makes sense if reducing the tabs can help with the slugging Chromebooks. Once you experience the computer is slowing down, check on the tabs and close the unnecessary ones. As a proof, check the before and after performance on Task Manager. Open the Task Manager and see how the tabs consume more resources. Compare with the condition after closing the tabs and you will be surprised.

4. Change the settings

If you find the above solutions don’t bring significant differences to your Chromebook speed, consider changing the settings. Although Chromebooks don’t offer many things to change, there are some important settings you can take into account. The following steps will help you change the setting and speed up Chromebook performance.

Go to Menu, then select Settings. Click on Show Advanced Settings, then select Privacy. You will see some options, turn off the use of web service both for spelling errors and navigation errors.

This method helps reduce network activity, at the same time speed up your Chromebooks. Especially if you have a poor internet connection, this solution is worth trying.

5. Change Google Drive settings

Background Page: Google Drive notification should become your concern. It indicates that you have too many documents on Google Drive and it possibly causes Chromebook to slug. This happens because Google is trying to sync the documents for offline use. But there is nothing to worry about. The following steps will help you fix the issue.

Access Navigate to the top-right of the page, then click the gear icon. Uncheck Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, …

After unchecking the option, you won’t be able to access and edit the documents when you are offline. This simple solution, however, is an effective way to speed up your Chromebook.

6. Guest mode

Last but not least, try to log in to your Chromebook as a guest. Using this feature, you can enjoy the computer in standard settings as it disables your customization. If you find the Chromebook works faster, it means there is something wrong with your setting. Check on the settings that you suspect causes Chromebook to slow down. In a nutshell, Chromebook running slow can be caused by a variety of factors. It is necessary to identify the triggering factor so that you can easily fix the problem. The above solutions are easy to apply and effective to get rid of Chromebook that is slugging.