XAMPP is a free, open-source, and cross-platform PHP development environment containing Apache, MariaDB PHP, and Perl script programing language. XAMPP is easy to install and use. It is primarily used as a local development environment to test codes and applications based on PHP and Perl. It started as a Windows tool for testing open-source web applications. Now, XAMPP has supported by popular Linux environments, including Ubuntu. You shouldn’t use this tool in a production environment. Use it locally for testing purposes. Not only can use run Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl, but you can also install phpMyAdmin to manage MariaDB databases via web browser, ProFTPD FTP server, Mercury Mail Transport system, and more. To get started with installing XAMPP on Ubuntu, follow the steps below:

Download XAMPP for Linux

To install XAMPP you must download its package archive from the link below. Packages for XAMPP are not available in the Ubuntu default repository. Download XAMPP (apachefriends.org) Choose the PHP version for XAMPP for Linux. When you download the package, it should mostly like be saved in the Downloads folder of your home directory. Run the commands below to change into the ~/Downloads folder and make the file executable. Press Ctrl + Alt - T on your keyboard to open the Ubuntu terminal console. Then run the commands below:

Install XAMPP

Next, run the commands below to install XAMPP from your Downloads folder. This should launch the setup wizard. Follow the wizard and choose the default option when prompted. Do this until you’re done. Choose the default options, including installing additional tools and support packages. Launch the XAMPP app after installing it. Then begin configuring your servers and services. After installation, XAMPP service can be stopped, started, and enabled using the commands below: To verify if XAMPP is installed and running, open your web browser and browse to the server’s local host or IP address. That should display a similar page as shown below That’s it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to install XAMPP on Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04. If you find any errors above, please use the form below to report.