For those who don’t know Apache CouchDB, here’s a brief overview. Apache CouchDB is a general-purpose NoSQL database server that works just like any other database behind an application server of your choice. You can add custom functions using different programming languages such as Erlang, C/C++, Java, etc. It uses JSON natively and supports binaries for all your data storage needs. It is used by major corporations and businesses looking for high-performance NoSQL database systems. Most people will tell you a thing or two about MySQL and MariaDB. however, for professionals, Apache CouchDB is a stable choice. To learn how to install Apache CouchDB Ubuntu, follow the steps below

Add Apache CouchDB Repository to Ubuntu

Adding the Apache CouchDB repository to Ubuntu is easy. all you have to run is run the commands below to add the repository key. the key is there to authenticate and validate packages from the repository. Run the commands below to add the repository key and the repository. When you’re done. continue below.

Update and Install Apache CouchDB

Now that the repository and key are added, run the commands below to update and install the latest Apache CouchDB packages. To install Apache CouchDB, run the commands below During the installation, you should see messages to select some options. Next, select a standalone option and continue. Next, type in the interface IP address and continue. After that, type and confirm the admin password and complete the installation.  After installing Apache CouchDB, the commands below can be used to stop, start, enable and check its status This is what the status command shows

Accessing Apache CouchDB

After installing CouchDB, you can now open your browser and browse to the server hostname or IP address followed by port # 5984 Type in the admin username and password. Enjoy! You may also like the post below: